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Thanks to Lamar Ross   we are able to back to Robert and Martha Ross and give you the following.


Robert Ross  ca. Jul. 28,1781-Feb. 22,1843 Tuscarawas Co, Ohio) m. before 1811 Martha  (ca. Dec. 13,1785 -Mar. 2,1843 Tuscarawas Co., Ohio)


Will of Robert Ross (1781-1843)
Tuscarawas County Will Book # 1234
Page 141

            The last will and Testament of Robert Ross of Washington Township Tuscarawas County and State of Ohio. I Robert Ross considering the uncertainty of this Moral life, and being of sound mind & thanking therefore the almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all previous wills by me made in manner and form following, that is to say, I will that all my just debts and funeral expenses as shall be owing by me at my death and all charges touching the proving of or otherwise concerning this my will shall in the first place out of my personal estate and effect  be fully paid and satisfied. Then I give and bequeath to my two sons Joseph and James the land I now reside on to be divided according to quality and quantity - by their keeping their mother in suitable clothing, boarding, and lodging and providing for her wants as necessity may require. I further give and bequeath to my oldest daughter   Rebecca Anderson     thirty three dollars & thirty three cents. I give and bequeath to my second daughter Mary McCullough  thirty three dollars and thirty three cents –I give and bequeath to my third daughter Martha Ann Gilmore thirty three dollars and thirty three cents. I further give and bequeath to my two other daughters Isabella Ross   and Elizabeth Ross     each one hundred dollars to be paid as follows (viz) my eldest daughter to have her portion five years after my decease. My second daughter to receive her portion one year thereafter. My third daughter to receive her portion one year after my second daughter’s — my two other daughters to receive each fifty dollars, five years after my decease, and fifty dollars each one year thereafter to be paid by my two sons Joseph and James. I all so request that Robert McCoy shall act as my Executor.. ___ in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty first day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three. Robert Ross Seal Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of us who at his request & in his presence have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto.

 Asahel Danison
Enos Shannon

© 2008 by E. Lamar Ross  and Infopreneur Publishers, LLC.


History and Migration of the Offspring's of Robert Ross


            "Robert Ross   and his wife Martha  died eight days apart in 1843. It is likely that they both died of causes related to some epidemic of the time. Robert died on Wednesday, the 22nd of February, 1843, and Martha died on Thursday, the 2nd of March, 1843. He was 61 years of age and she was 57." © 2008 by E. Lamar Ross   and Infopreneur Publishers, LLC.

Children of Robert and Martha Ross


1. Rebecca Ross  (ca. 1811 PA - Aug. 13,1851 Ohio). She was buried in Hartwood Cemetery, Wash.        Twp, Tuscarawas County, OH. m. Jun. 30,1840 William Anderson  (1820-? PA)  in          Tuscarawas County, Ohio son of Mathew   and Mary Anderson "  


            All born in Tuscarawas County, OH


                        a.  Mary A.  Anderson "  (1840/41- Jun.1845)

                        b.  Martha R. Anderson "  (Feb.10-Mar.1842)         

                        c.  Mathew    Anderson   (ca.1843-Oct. 12,1846)

                        d.  Elizabeth Anderson ( ca.1848-)

                        e. James R. Anderson  (ca. Nov.1850-Sept. 24,1851)


            Most died in Wash. Twp. Tusc. Co., Ohio and some  buried in Hartwood  Cemetery   Wash. Twp., Tusc. Co., OH.


2. Mary Ross (Oct. 4,1815-Oct. 14,1846 Ohio) m. Apr. 23,1840 David McCullough     (ca.1813-Mar. 1859) (son of William McCullough   and Sarah (Sally) McKibben

State of Ohio, Tuscarawas Coutny,ss.

I hereby certify that on the 23rd day of April 1840, by virtue of a license from the clerks of the Court of Common Pl___ I joined in the state of Matrimony David Mc Cullough and Mary Ross

J W _____________________

                        a. Sarah Ann McCullough   (born about 1842). (ca. 1843. - 1 Aug.1, 1863. According to Linda   Houser’s notes ( “There is a R. R. McCullough who   is a private in Co. H, 28th Infantry, Iowa Civil war rosters, from Iowa Co.,    Iowa mustered in I Nov I862 mustered out at Davenport l A 1 Jul 1865. If        Robert was with his troops when he died he probably died on the  Mississippi River on the steamer ‘The City of Memphis’ between   Natchez. MS and New Orleans. LA. ”Died in Civil War.


                        c. James McCullough   was born about 1844 in Tuscarawas County, Ohio.’ In the   1850 Census James was living in the Briant (Bryant) Hursey home.    Elizabeth  (Ross) Hursey   was his deceased mother’s sister.


3. Joseph Ross   (1814 PA.-1899/1900 Iowa) m. Jan. 28, 1847 in Tuscarawas County, OH Mary     J. [Lamar Ross   found the following]  Mary J. Barr  (daughter of Robert Barr  and    Elizabeth Ogle  was born about 1827.


            a. Robert Ross  (ca. 1848 Ohio-).

            b. Thomas  J. Ross  (Jan 1849-).

            c. Malinda Ross  (ca. 1850-).

            d. Shannon Ross     (ca. 1852 Iowa-)

            e. Elisabeth Ross    (ca. 1854Iowa-).

            f. John Ross           (Apr 1856-).

            g. William S. Ross   (ca. 1857-).

            h. George Ross       (ca. 1859-)

            i. William Ross       (ca. 1859 Iowa-).

            j. Amanda Elvira Jane Ross (ca. 1862).

            k. Charles A. Ross "   (ca. 1871 Iowa).


4. James  Ross    (Sept. 20,1818-) m. Esther Kennedy

5. Martha Ann Ross  (ca.1821 PA-)m. Gilmore

6. Isabella  Ross  (ca.1823 PA.-) m. May 30,1844 Samuel A. Hagan in Tuscarawas  County, Ohio. 

                        a. Charles Hagan  (ca. 1845 Ohio-)

                        b. John A. Hagan   (ca. 1847 Ohio-)

                        c. George W. Hagan  (ca. Mar/Apr 1850 Iowa)

                        d. Franklin LaFayette Hagan  (ca. 19 Mar. 1856-1944) mar. Rachel Wilson  (1863-       Aug. 1920)

                                    1. Anna Hagan  (Nov. 7,1893-) m.. Harry Sauer   (Jun. 2,1892/6-  Oct.1976)

                                    2. Mac Hagan     (Apr. 5,1895)

                                    3. John Henry Hagan ( Sept. 15,1900- Apr. 14,1981) m. Avie Emma  Osterfoss   (Jan. 31,1905-Aug. 18,1967) then married Jeanetta Smith

7. Elizabeth Ross    (1824 PA-)m.. Jan.5, 1846 in Tuscarawas County OH. Bryant Hursey   (1824 OH-) (son of John “Johnny” Hursey  Sr. and Margaret T. Chadwell)


                        a. Allen Hursey    Dec 10, 1848Tuscarawas County, Ohio- ca. Dec. 6,1928 to Jan. 9,1849 Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Co., Oh)) m. Oct. 1,1873    Tuscarawas Co., Ohio Amanda A. Stewart  (Oct. 1,1854 Newcomerstown,  Tuscarawas Co. Ohio-Aug 19,1912) Parents: William   and Esther Ann (McNamee) Stewart. Allen was ill with Myocarditis (is inflammation of the heart muscle. There may be no symptoms. If symptoms occur, they may include: Abnormal heartbeat;   Chest pain that may resemble a heart attack; Fatigue; Fever and ... at death.)  Amanda died of pneumonia.


                                    1. Mary Ann Hursey   (Jul.  13,1874-Apr. 4,1946) m.. Albert H.   Walters  (May 1,1876- Nov. 23,1936)


                                                a. Jesse Walters (-)                                                

                                               b. Unknown Walters (-)

                                                c. Clarence Walters  (abt 1909-)

                                                d. Willis Walters(abt 1911-)


                                    2. Oscar Hursey   (Nov.12,1875-) m.. Maggie L. (1883-)


                                                a. Florence A. Hursey


                                    3. Martha Myrtle Hursey      (Mar.12,1877-Apr. 4,1946) m. Chester A.   Neal   (May 25,1873-Sept. 25,1942)


                                                a. Murville . Neal   (6 Jan 1898-3 Sep 1964)

                                                b. Kenneth L. Neal   (20 Jan 1903-30 Sep 1970)


                                    4. William Stewart Hursey    (Feb. 10,1879-Nov. 4,1948)m. Grace E.  Meeks  (Jan 22,1885-Jul. 4,1946)


                                                a. William Orval Hursey   (Dec. 22,1903- Dec. 27,1959)

                                                b. Thelma Hursey  (Jun 29, 1905- Sep 14,1991)

                                                c. Edith Hursey  (Jan 11, 1921-Jun 4,1945) sp-Anna Sheets  


                                    5. Henry Allen Hursey   (May. 1,1881-7 Aug 1947) m.

                                                sp-Phoebe   Kathryn Wolff   (21 Jun 1880-1 Oct 1908)


                                                a. Emery Eugene Hursey  (18 Feb 1902-17 Jan 1987)

                                                b. Chester Harold Hursey   (8 Oct 1903-16 Nov 1988)

                                                c. Paul Willis Hursey   (18 Feb. 1906-22 Nov. 1976)

                                                d. Lester Hursey  (1 Sep. 1908-1930)sp-Emma Coughlin    (-)

                                                            sp-Viola (-)

                                                e. Amanda Hursey                                           

                                                 f. Betty Hursey

                                                g. Eugene Hursey

                                                h. James Hursey


                                     6. Amanda Jennie Hursey    (Aug. 23,1882-4 Feb 1954)m. sp-Harry M.  Oldham  (Oct 1886-21 Nov 1961)


                                                a. Wanda Oldham   (-)


                                     7. James Cleveland Hursey   (Aug. 13,1884-25 Dec 1964)m. sp-Celia    Nevada Darrel   (1887-14 Jan 1943)

                                                a. Catherine Hursey    m.sp-Annabelle Ross  (Jun 29,1891-   Nov 24,1966)

                                    8. Nancy Viola Hursey    (7 Apr 1886-27 Jun 1926) sp-William Noyes  (-)sp-Bert (Lageness   Bert"  (1884-) of Detroit, Michigan


                                    daughter m. A.H. Walters

                                    daughter m. Chester Neal


                        b. William H. Hursey    (1851-). m. sb-Mary L. Dorsey

                        c. Martha A. Hursey’   (1853  OH-) m.  sp-James Hart

                        d. Margaret Hursey  (1858 Ohio-).




James Ross  9/20/1818"  (Sept. 20,1818 Pennsylvania -Oct. 26,1865 Irish Ridge Cemetery, Ohio) m.   Sept.12,1850 Guernsey, Ohio  Esther ("Hetty") Kennedy   (Jul. 18,1820 Jefferson, Ohio-  Jun. 19,1886 Ohio) Parents: Moses Washington Kennedy and Esther W. (Bunnell) Kennedy 


James & Esther Ross


            James and Esther Kennedy Ross were married Sept.12,1850 in Ohio. The Ross’s had come down from Penn. to Ohio. Esther and her husband were Methodist. Esther was from a wealthy family. She had an Uncle Bill who missed around in politics during the Civil War. They believed the South should have what they paid for. The Kennedy's came from New Jersey to Ohio and lived around New Comers town and Cashton, Ohio. James died Oct. 26,1865 and was buried in Irish Cemetery, Ohio.


                        The following information was extracted from the 1860 census, probate court records, property transactions, and their marriage license.

                James Ross was (1818 or 1819 Penn,-.) m. Sept.13,1850 Esther Kennedy (1817 or 1818 Ohio-) in Guernsey 8ounty, Ohio. They moved around at first. Moses H. (Jul. 15,1851-), Robert Jennings (Oct. 1, 1854 Harrison County, Ohio-), Marthina  (Aug.26,1857-). By the 1860 census they were settled in Liberty, Guernsey County with property valued at $2000.


                        James contacted an illness that was long and distressing. Probably just before this he purchased the 180 acres more or less in Monroe township.  James spoke the following will to William Kennedy and George Temple and then signed It.


                        In the name. of the Father of all: I, James Ross, of. the county of Guernsey and State of Ohio, do make and publish this my last will and testament. . Item 1 I give and devise to my beloved

wife the farm on which we now reside situated in the township of Liberty, County of Guernsey and State of Ohio, containing eighty acres more or less: also, eighty, acres more or less situated in Monroe township, county and State aforesaid, and all the stock, household goods, furniture, provisions and other goods and chattels which may be thereon at the time of my decease. Item 2  I do hereby nominate and appoint Maberry Smith, executor of this my last will and testament. I do hereby revoke all former wills by me made. In testimony hereof I have hereunto set  and seal this twenty-sixth day of October in the year, 1865.

Signed and acknowledged by said James Ross as his Last will and testament in our presences and signed  James Ross by us in his presence. . .

William Kennedy .

George Temple—


                        On Nov. 20,1865 William Kennedy and George Temple were sworn in open court that they were present at the execution of the last will and testament of James Ross.  Nov. 29, 1865 Moses B. Kennedy, William Kennedy and Stephen A. Pollock bound themselves unto the State of Ohio in the sum of $3000 upon the estate of James Ross. deceased, late of the county of Guernsey. On the same date Esther had to give the court a list of all the items she had purchased out of her own money.




                        April 8, 186? Esther Ross sold the property in Monroe and.. Liberty for $3500.00.  Her brother, Benjamin Kennedy signed that she had inherited the property and was entitled to sell it.


The following, thanks to Lamar Ross for locating it, is the will of Ester's father.


Will of Moses Washington Kennedy

Will of Moses W. Kennedy

Guernsey County, Ohio Will Book 1: 1852-1863

Case # 1314

In the name of the Benevolent Father of all.

I Moses W. Kennedy of  the County of Guernsey and State of Ohio do make and publish this my last Will and Testament as follows. Item First. I give and devise to my beloved wife Esther in lieu of her dower the farm on which we now reside situated in Wheeling Township Guernsey County containing one hundred and eighty six acres and all the stock, household goods, furniture, provisions, and other goods and chattels which may be thereon at the time of my decease, during her natural life as aforesaid. At the death of my wife the real Estate aforesaid I give and devise to my youngest daughter Esther Ross for and during her natural life and at the death of my said daughter Esther Ross, I give and devise my said Real Estate above described to the heirs of her the said Esther share and share alike. Item Second. I give and devise to my son William Kennedy one hundred dollars to be paid as hereinafter mentioned.


Item Third. I give and devise to my son Benjamin Kennedy one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid as hereinafter mentioned. Item Fourth. I give and devise to my daughter Margaret A. Lanning twenty dollars to be paid as hereinafter mentioned. Item Fifth. I give and devise to my Executor to be hereafter named, Eighty six acres of land which I own in Harrison County Ohio to be sold by him as soon after my death as convenient and upon such terms as to him may seem proper, and the proceeds thereof to be applied by my said Executor as follows. First that he pay all my Just debts and funeral expenses. Second, that he pay the above legacies to my sons William and Benjamin, and my daughter Margaret and that after paying the costs of administration and all legal charges against my Estate, whatever may be remaining, it is my will that my said Executor divide the same into five equal shares or parts, and that he pay to my said son William Kennedy two shares, to my son Benjamin Kennedy, two shares, and to my daughter Margaret A. Lanning one share. Item Sixth. It is my will and desire that after the death of my beloved wife, that my Executor sell at public Sale or otherwise all that may remain of my personal property of every description. and that after paying the funeral Expenses of my said Wife and the expenses of said sale that he divide the remainder into five parts or shares, and pay to my son William two shares, to my son Benjamin two shares, and to my daughter Margaret A. Lanning one share. Item Seventh. I do hereby nominate and appoint my much esteemed friend Robert Reed, Executor of this my last Will and Testament. I desire that no appraisement by made of my personal property and that my Executor sell the same in the manner hereinbefore stated, and that the Court of Probate direct the division of the same in pursuance of the Statutes. I do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of August in the year 1855. Signed and acknowledged by the Moses W. Kennedy said Moses W. Kennedy, as his last Will and Testament in our presence. Moses Sarchet

© 2008 by E. Lamar Ross and Infopreneur Publishers, LLC.


Children of born in Harrison County

1. Moses Kennedy Ross   (July 15,1851 Ohio-Sept.19,1910 Gadsden, AL) mar.  1875/76 Melissa Moore   (Sept. 29,1846to50 -Mar 13,1901) His occupation Carpenter.


            a. Agnes B. Ross , was born about 1876 in Ohio.

            b. Emma J. Ross , (ca. 1878 Ohio-)

            c. Myrtle Ross,.

            d. Freida “Fred” Ross,.

            e. Claudia “Claude” Ross,.

            f. Lucy Ross,.

            g. Unknown Ross,.


            "Moses Kennedy Ross, and Effie May Mahaffey  were married in 1897 in Gadsden, Alabama. Effie May Mahaffey  was born in Apr 1861 in Alabama. She died in 1922     in Gadsden, Alabama. Mahaffey is her married name from a previous   marriage. By    this marriage she had at least 5 children. The 1900    Alabama Census. Etowah County    Gadsden Precinct # 1. Enumeration District 148.Sheet 2O, of l9Jun l900 lists five   stepchildren with the name Mahaffey under the listing form Moses K. Ross  ranging in      age from 7 years to2S years.


            Her obituary states: Mrs. Effie M. Ross   Dies at age of 6l, Was Pioneer Citizen of Gadsden and Loved by Hundreds. “Mrs. Effie May Ross,  age 61died this morning at 6:20 at her home at l030 Tuscaloosa street, following a short attack of pneumonia. She was one of the pioneer women of Gadsden and had resided in this city ever since it was a small village, she had a large acquaintance and the news of her death will cause universal sorrow in all parts of the city. Mrs. Ross reared a large family of grown children who are prominent in the affairs of this and other Alabama cities. She leaves six children and many relatives and friends to mourn her death. The funeral will be conducted at the home at 2 :o’clock Wednesday afternoon and the burial will take place at Forest cemetery. The funeral is handled by DuPre. of Attala.”

                                    " Credit for information goes to Lamar Ross

2. Martha Emma Haldren Ross  (Aug. 26,1857 Tuscarawas County, Ohio- Sept. 27/28,1936          Gadsden, AL) m. Apr. 23,1890 Indiana? Uril Nelson Johnson Mar. 12,1847   Gullinghous,    Denmark-Jun.17,1913)




            Mrs. Johnson had been a resident of Etowah County for more than 40 years, having removed her with her family from Guernsey, Ohio, in 1896. She was the widow of the late Nelson Johnson and grand-daughter of the late Moses W. Kennedy XE "Kennedy, Moses W." ,   pioneer physician of Ohio. She was a member of the Eleventh Street Methodist Church, having united with the Methodist church at age of 16.


            Lamar Ross   says this obit is erroneous on the occupation of Moses W. Kennedy " . Instead  he as a mill owner. "Moses Washing Kenney's father and grandfather were both physicians. This probably explains the confusion." Anyway the report she was married to a Hersey has been proven wrong I sincerely Thank  Lamar.

            Martha and Uril Johnson's children


                        a. Nellie Esther Salior Johnson   (Mar 24,1891-).

                        b. Mary Agnes Johnson             (Mar 29,1894-).

                        c. Moses Kennedy Johnson        (Sep 21, 1895 in Muncie, Indiana-6 Jan6,1962)

                        d. Aaron Johnson


3. Robert Jennings Ross    (Oct.1 ,l854Cadiz, Ohio (Harrison County) - Mar16, 1922 in Kellyville, Oklahoma)m. Nov. 20 1877 in Tuscarawas, Ohio Sarah Turner . (Jun 8,1854 in Ohio -Mar. l6,l929, Kellyville, Creek)parents: William James   Turner (-1868) m. Sept. 18,1853 Tuscarawas County, Ohio  Martha Angeline  (Jul. 11,1827OH-Jan. 13,1876 Tuscarawas CO.,OH). They had seven children.


4. Infant (un-named) Ross (20 Aug 1859-21 Aug 1859)

5. Katherine (Sp?) Ross (12 Jan 1861-15 Jan 1861)




             Thanks to Lamar Ross research we have information on our great grandmother Sarah Turner  Ross mother was Martha Angeline Chadwell   .




                 Lamar  has traced the history of the surname Chadwell to England county of Essex. If you have ever tried to read a book back in the 1600's and before you found the spelling was not uniform. In those days words were spelled how the writer wanted to spell them.  Lamar's research took him to 1066 A.D. at the time of Duke William of Hantings  (William the Conqueror  the name Chadwell was spelled: Chadall, Shadwell, and Chadwel.

                   Our linage on Chadwell goes back to John Chadwell  (ca. 1658-1732 Stafford County, Virginia) and married  ca. 1677/8 Ann Bryan   (ca.1660-). They are believed to have been born in England.

         1. Bryan  Chadwell  (ca. 1678 Stafford County, Virginia -1744 King George County, Virginia) m. Ann Bronough   (ca 1700 - btw 1735 & 1795)Parents: Jeremiah Bronough    & Elizabeth Glendening  .  "He owned 151 acres of land and a tobacco plantation. he owned at least four female slaves, for these are given to his sons as part of their inheritance." Source Lamar Ross


“To my daughter Ann Chadwell   I give the feather bed and furniture that stands in the room where I lodge myself and eight hundred pounds of Tobacco to be paid by my son David Bronaugh  the first year after my death.”


Son of Bryan Chadwell
                   a. John C. Chadwell  (ca. 1732 in England (?) - June 25,1803 age 71 Fauquier, VA)  1rst marriage had 5 children, She died. 2nd marriage July 6, 1795 Elizabeth   Gutridge  Frauquier County, Virginia


                                              Well of John C. Chadwell


(27 November 1799)


            “In the name of God Amen. I John Chadwell of the County of Faquier and State of Virginia being aged and feeble, tho in perfect senses and sound memory do make this my last will and testament in the manner and form as followeth hereafter. First I commend my spirit into the hands of God my saviour and bequeath my body to the ground and to decently buried by my Executors hereafter named in hopes of joyful Resurection and as for what worldly estate it has pleased God to bestow upon me I dispose of it as followeth.. Item I give unto my beloved wife Elizabeth the lease I now live on to her and her heirs forever, likewise three beds and furniture and all the household furniture first choice mare and colt, four head cattle, first choice of hogs ten head, three head of sheep and all the corn I have. The remainder of my estate I wish it to be Equally divided amongst my first Children and lastly I constitute appoint and ordain William Gutridge & my well beloved wife as the whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament. In witness hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 27th day of November in the year of our lord 1799.”


“His John Chadwell (Seal)mark Teste, Alexander Monroe
Thomas White His Elija


“In a Court held for Fauquier County the 13th day of May 1803 This will was proved by the oaths of Thomas White and Elija Gutridge thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of William Gutridge one of the executors therein named who made oath and together with Jeremiah Pepper and Thomas White his security entered into and acknowledged bond in the penalty of one thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs Certification is granted him for obtaining probate thereof in due form. Teste J. Brooke, C.C.”

© 2008 by E. Lamar Ross  and Infopreneur Publishers, LLC.


                John and Elizabeth had three children. Two are as follows.

                       1. George Chadwell  (Apr 15 1798 in Fauquier Co., VA-May  13,1868 age 70) mar. Feb.19 1818 in Jefferson County, OH  Ruth     Taylor ( Jun 5, 1799 in VA-Dec. 9,1894 age 95 Tusc. Co., Ohio)
                        2.last son  Duffet Chadwell   (June 22,1803-)

Letter Concerning George Chadwell


"One of our collateral relatives, Ginger Hoffman , who still lives in the Ohio area, gave the following account in a letter to me dated 3/29/1996. “ When George was 16 years old, he emigrated to Jefferson County, Ohio with his widowed mother [Elizabeth Gutridge Chadwell   ] and brother and sister, both younger than George”. [This would have been approximately 1814]. “In 1818 he married Ruth Taylor  . In 1823 he emigrated to Washington Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio with his wife and three children, a few household goods, and 50 cents in money. There is a story about his son Thomas T. Chadwell    in “History of Tuscarawas County, Ohio, 1884",with the story of his father 

Between 1819 and 1835, George and Ruth went on to have eleven children, the fifth of which was our first Chadwell ancestor, Martha Angelina Chadwell . George died in 1868 at age 70, when his granddaughter, Sarah Angelina Turner, was only 14. His wife Ruth outlived him by another 26 years, dying at the ripe old age of 95 on December 9, 1894. By the time she died, her granddaughter, Sarah, and her husband, Robert Jennings Ross, already had eight of the nine grandchildren that were born to them. I don’t know for sure, but it is likely that she did not see all of them personally, since they were living in Indiana when most of them were born. Traveling was not quite as easy then as it is now. If you had the money, there were trains available, but most travel was still by horse and buggy."

Daughter of George and Ruth (Taylor) Chadwell:

                           Martha Angelina Chadwell   (Jul.11,1827- Jan. 13,1876 of Tuberculosis) m.Sept.    18,1853 William Turner

                                      1. Sarah Angelina Turner"  (Jun 8, 1854 Ohio- Mar13, 1929  Kellyville, Oklahoma) mar. Nov.20,1877Tuscarawas,       Ohio Robert Jennings Ross  

                                      2. Duff Turner   m. Ollie

                                                a. Ollie Angelina Turner   m. Hinson Murphy "  (died before 1850)

                                                          1. George Washington Murphy   (1843-)


               We have some picture of the Turner side:

                        Duff & Ollie Turner


                                                 Alta Turner


                                                 Roy Turner

                                                  maybe a Turner


This is a clipping from an Oklahoma news paper. ( I was given this in Oklahoma)


            Robert Jennings Ross   was 11 when James  his dad died. Thanks again to Lamar Ross   locating clippings in news papers we have some other events in his life.

II. Transcribed Articles & Notices from THE MONTICELLO HERALD of
Monticello, White County, Indiana (Published on Thursdays Each Week)
Excerpted by E. Lamar Ross"  (October, 2004

Jennings Ross, Nelson Johnson, M.K. (Moses Kennedy) Ross and Duff Turner (all known relatives) were found in the local news for the Guernsey Community a few miles northwest of Monticello, Indiana.


22 Mar 1894 p.8 col.2 “Born to Mr. And Mrs. Jennings Ross on the 16th, a boy. Mother and child doing well and Jennings stepping high.”


13 Sep 1894 p.8 col.2 Elmer Hamilton "  and Duff Turnerhave got them a horse-power corn cutter and are cutting corn for W.D. Wilson this week.”

“Jennings Ross, his wife and daughter are all down with malarial fever. His wife and daughter are very low but Jennings is some better.”

27 Dec 1894 p.8 col.2 “Jennings Ross and Nelson Johnson went to Pulaski county last week to look at some farms. They appear to like them pretty well.”


18 Apr 1895 p.8 col.4 “Jenning Ross "  has moved on the McCreary forty north of Jud. Paul’s.”


2 May 1895 p.8 col.3 “Jennings Ross’s brother of Ohio came out Monday to visit him.”


3 Oct 1895 p.8 col.2 “Nelson Johnson and wife are taking care of a 10-pound boy.”

Moses K. Ross started to Iowa Sunday to look after some land that he has out there.”


16 Jan 1896 p.8 col. 3 “Nelson Johnson and Jennings Ross are preparing to move to Georgia in the near future.”


13 Feb 1896 p. 8 col. 2 “Jennings Ross and Nelson Johnson have moved to Gadsden, Etowah county, Ala. They started their goods on Saturday, and their family started last Tuesday.”

[Note: This was in Thursday, 13 Feb 1896 paper so it means that Jennings Ross and family either left on Tuesday, 11 Feb 1896 or Tuesday, 4 Feb 1896 depending on what is meant by “last Tuesday”.]


Robert Jennings and Sarah's children


Robert Jennings and Sarah's children


1. James McClelland Ross   (Aug.23,1878 Ohio- June 28,1940 Gadsden, Ala. age of 61) mar. Mar.8,1900 in Gasden, Ala Ester Lou Owens(13 Feb 1882 in Gadsden, Alabama (Etowah County) Oct 1, 1956 in Rome, Georgia (Floyd County)) They had 9 children. He was a member of   the Order of Odd Fellows in Ala. James McClelland had a son named Robert Lewis who        served with General Patton when the First and Third Army Combat (Engineer Div.)    crossed the Rhine to capture Germany during W.W.II.


            a. Effie Gertrude Ross    (Feb.24,             - Mar , 1975)

            b. Sara Estelle Ross  (Oct 7,1902- Apr. 9,1937)

            c. Aubie Zimri Ross  (Oct.1,1904- Dec. 30,1984)

            d. Robert Lewis Ross   (Oct 18,1906- Sept. 26,1964)

            e. Raymond Claudus Ross   (Dec.17,1908- Jan.10,1966)

            f. Annie Mae Ross "  (Oct. 29, 1911- May 16,1978)

            g. Elmer Melvin Ross   ( Jan 19, 1915 Gadsden, Alabama -May 3,2007 in Floyd Medical    Center, Rome, Georgia 2007) m. in Lookout Mtn, Chattanooga, Tenn., with marriage recorded in Walker County, Georgia Marriage Records Mary Ruth Long   (Sept. 11,1921-)Parents: John Bertie Long(27 Sep 1884 in Walker County, Georgia-Mar.  1, 1961) m. Apr. 30, 1905 in Walker County, Georgia  Nannie Grace Lewis  (14 Aug 14,  1889 in McMinn County, Tennessee-26 Sep 1967 in Chattanooga Valley, Tennessee)

            h. Thelma Louise Ross ( May 31,1917-May 15,1997)

2. Samuel Jennings Ross   (Aug. 9,1880-1950’s) m. Sarah Josephine 'Josie'   


            a. James Edward "Ed" Ross also called Eddy

            b. John Jennings Ross   m. Ruby



then Alice Holdrer 


3. Martha Elizabeth Ross (9 Aug 1882 in Ohio-23 Nov23, 1950 Cyril, OK.) m. Jeff Shaw ,  no children, lived 68 yrs.2nd m. Kurtz

            a. Daw Kurtz 

            b. Vera Kurtz

4. Effie Easter Ross       (Mar. 2,1884-) m. Stephen Heziakiah Newton  . Occupation Dryman.



            a. Joseph "Joe" Newton   m. Goldie Barnard                       

                        1. David Newton

                        2.Carrie Elizabeth Newton  (Dec. 28,1910- Jan. 29,1961) mar. Charles Otto Powell  (May 24,1906-April 22,1971)

                                    a. Charlene Yvonne Powell   (Sept. 3,1931-Aug.26,1977) m. Raymond Leon Balcer

                                    b. William Alonzo Stephen Powell

                                    c. Norma June Powell  Adams                                         

         1. Stephanie Beth Powell  mar. Robert Lyane  Vaughan.

                                   a. Michael (Stephen) Vaughan

                                                2. Bradford Gene Powell

            b.  Sarah Alice Newton   married Joe Custer   direct descendent of General    Armstrong Custer  .      They had one child,

                        1.  Sharon Alice Custer  m. Gerald F. Cleveland.


            c. Carrie Newton    (28 Dec.28, 1910-29 Jan 1961)


            d. David Newton

5. John Haldren Ross  (Nov.3,1887 Ohio- 19 Apr 19, 1956 in Baldwin Park, California )  Mar. Cecelia Jeanette Glenn  , then Mirtie. He died from Uremic            poisoning. John and Jeanette Ross


6. Amy Angeline (Jun. 14,1889- April 1/6,1893 age 4 years Indiana)



            6 Apr 1893 p.1 col. 3 “The four-year-old daughter of Mr. Jennings Ross a few miles north-west of town met a horrible death last week by fire. Her little brother about ten years old was burning garden trash Thursday, and the child in playing about the burning heaps got too near, and her clothing caught fire. Her father, who was at work some distance off, hurried to her and removed her clothing as quickly as he could, burning his hands badly in his efforts. The child was carried in, and Dr. Robison was called. He found the burns serious, extending over a large portion of her body, and the skin in places peeling off in strips. He did all that could be done for her relief, but the child died Saturday morning after much suffering. Mr. Ross is comparatively a newcomer, having moved here from Ohio about three years ago. His sad calamity awakens general sympathy.” (Thank you Lamar Ross

 for finding this article)


7. Saloma Ella Ross     (Oct. 22,1891 Indiana -1959) mar. JohnLovins,          


               a. Eunise Lovins 

            b. Lucille Lovins   

8. William Moses (Byrd) Ross   Mar.16,1894 Monticello, White County, IN -   M Sumset Memorial Gardens, Albuquerque, Bernalillo, NM) Called Uncle  Byrd.   mar Ora Cody niece of Buffalo Bill Cody " . Ora was a telephone operator.


            a. Rex Roland Ross    (20 Apr 1919-27 Sep 1992)

            b. William “Bill” Moses Ross   Jr. (2 Sep 1922-17 Jul 1971)

            c. Geraldine Mane Ross

            d. Gerald Maurice Ross  (7 May 1925-2 1 Aug 1925)


9. Ollie May   (Jul. 10,1896 Gadsden, Alabama (Etowah)- July 5,1960 Oklahoma prostate cancer). mar. Jobe Castor     His occupation was pumping oil. They had 5                      children. Their daughter Leota is a legal secretary and married to Russel Ernest. They    have an Oil & Gas drilling business with 82employees. They have traveled extensively.


            a. Charles William Castor   (1918-2004)

            b. Genevee Elizabeth Castor   m. Lester Wilch

            c. Leota Ellen Castor   (1922-) M. Russel Ernest Oil and Gas drilling Business

                        She was a legal secretary.

            d. Sarah Emogene Castor   (Apr 10,1924-1933)

            e. Walter Ross  Castor       (May 18,1928-1977)

10. Marthina H. Ross     (Aug. 26,1857 -1936 age 79) mar. Uril Nelson Johnson  (Mar.12 1847-  Jun.17,1913)


                        1. Nellie Esther Salior Johnson   (24 Mar 1891-aft Mar 1966) sp-Walter Howard  Duncan  (-)

                                    a. Robert Ross Duncan                        

                        2.Mary Agnes Johnson   (29 Mar 1894-20 Oct 1979) mar. sp-Revis Aaron Brannon  , Sr. (6 Jan 1890-2 Oct 1976)

                                    a. -Victoria Isabella Brannon,   (5 Oct 19 10-27 Nov 1995)

                                    b. Dr. Revis Aaron Brannon,   Jr. (4 Oct 1916-14 Mar 2000)

                                    c. Oliver Perry Brannon,    (2 Sep 1918-30 Aug 1951)

                                    d. Paul Jones Brannon,    (22 Jul 1920-5 Apr 1973)

                        3. Moses Kennedy Johnson,    (21 Sep 1895-6 Jan 1962)

                        4. Aaron Johnson,   (-) sp-Lois _____ (-)
































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