- Heinrich Jokisch

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10. Heinrich (Henry) Gottlieb Jokisch Family


    10.   Jokisch, Heinrich (Henry) Gottlieb (October 25, 1832 in the German state of       Sachsen (Saxony)- -May 29, 1898)m: June 13, 1856 Eckhardt, Louise   (September. 13, 1833 in Ilsdorf, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany,-)   Johannes and Anna Rohn Eckhardt. Louise and her brother George immigrated to the U.S. in   1853.



Short Biography by Christine Sleeter, PHD

        The following is by Sleeter PHD, Christine Professor Emerita California State University Monterey Bay

        Henry was two years old at the time they went to Beardstown in Cass County, Illinois. Beardstown is where Henry met and married my great-great grandmother, Louisa Eckhardt. Louisa had been born at the time they were in their late teens, although Illinois was predominantly white, it had small but significant Black and mulatto population (5,540 in the 1850 census). Five young Black male laborers shared a residence in Beardstown, where they had moved to work.

        Three years previously, Illinois had adopted a new constitution included a provision, passed overwhelmingly as a separate measure by voters, that the state General Assembly act to prohibit the emigration of free African-Americans into the state and to bar slaveholders from bringing slaves to free them. Most whites in Illinois who opposed slavery favors deportation of free Blacks to the Caribbean or Liberia. In 1853, the state passed a law making it a crime for any Black person from another state to stay in Illinois more than 10 days. African Americans who lived in Illinois, especially in Chicago and in St. Clair County (to the south of Cass County) vigorously opposed this new law. Although the Jockisch's may have given it little thought, "Black Codes" in Illinois directly linked race with the right to own property.

        In 1868, Henry G. and Louisa moved to Blue Mound township, selling the 40 acres of land in Beardstown Henry had inherited from his father to purchase land in Blue Mound. (There, one of the c’s dropped gradually out of the spelling of Jockisch, becoming Jokisch. For consistency, I have retained the original spelling here.) By 1874 the Jockisch's owned 160 acres on Blue Mound. On the bottom of the excerpt of the 1874 plat map of Blue Mound township to the right, you can see the location of the Jockisch farm. Louisa’s brother, George Eckhardt and his wife Sarah, also moved to Blue Mound township, owning a farm of 80 acres to the north of the Jockisch farm. On the plat map excerpt, you can also see Sleeter farmland and the German Methodist Episcopal Church. The dark rectangle near the top of the map is the town of Boody, and the diagonal line is the railroad. (A bit of the history of Boody appears on the Sleeter-Fahrenhorst page; William Henry Sleeter had died two years before the Jockisch's arrived in Boody, and Amelia Fahrenhorst Sleeter left shortly afterward.

        Other members of the Jockisch family periodically came to Blue Mound township to work for a while, and one nephew (Henry A.) and his family moved there. Most of the Jockisch's, however, stayed in Cass County, where there is now a Jockisch Cemetery. There was apparently quite a bit of visiting of family members back and forth between Boody (Blue Mound township) and Beardstown, according to various articles in the local Decatur newspapers.

        The Jockisch's became successful grain farmers; wheat was particularly profitable during and right after the Civil War. They were also active in Zion German Methodist Episcopal Church that William Henry Sleeter had helped to found. For example, Henry served as a Church trustee and member of the committee that planned the new church building. When the church was seeking donations for the new building in 1886, Henry Jockisch, described in the Decatur Saturday Herald as one of Boody’s “well-to-do farmers,” made a generous donation.

        Henry G. Jockisch died at home, at the age of 65 on May 29, 1898. His 160 acre estate was valued at $15,000. Henry left the property to Louisa "for life," and at her death, it was to be divided equally among the five children.

        Louisa moved in with daughters. Olivia had married George Henry Zimmerman of Boody; in 1900, Lousia was living with them and their family. In 1910, Louisa had moved into Decatur, where she was living on West Decatur Street with recently-widowed daughter Lydia Sleeter (my great-grandmother) and some of the Sleeter offspring. By then, other family members, including the Zimmermans, and Charles and Pauline Jockisch Sleeter, were also living on the same street. When Lydia relocated to Iowa to be with one of her daughters, Louisa moved in with her daughter Pauline and Charles W. Sleeter, where she stayed until she died in 1922 due to “complications of old age,” as it was put in her obituary. My grandmother Mamie Ross Sleeter spent her adolescence and early adulthood in this same neighborhood, and was friends with offspring of her generation. In a book in which she recorded gifts, she referred to Louise Jockisch as “Grandma Yokisch” (her spelling reflecting the German pronunciation.) I am struck by the close community that developed among these and other German families of Boody.

        Even though she moved away from Boody to Decatur following her husband’s death, Louisa remained active in the Zion German Methodist Episcopal Church. Henry B. and Louisa Jockisch were buried in the Zion cemetery; their headstone appears to the left.

JOCKISH HENRY FD NWNE 09 17N 11W 3 40.00 000.00 WARRANT MALE 04/27/1854 UNKNOWN [Henry obtained a warrant for 40.00 acres for township 9].

        1860 Beardstown, Cass, IL Census for Henry Jockish age 27 est birth yr 1833 Saxony. Family number 1832. p. 255 1860 Beardstown, Cass, IL Census for Louisa Jockish age 26 est birth year 1834 does not have birthplace. Family number 1832 p. 255

        1860 Census: 1832 - JOCKISH - Henry - 27 - m - w - farmer - 3500/1000 - Saxony Louisa - 26 - f - w - Saxony Lydia - 1 - f - w - IL Betsy - 9/12 - IL

        1870 Blue Mound, Macon, Illinois Census for Henry Jokish age 36 born in Saxony around 1834 wife Louisa age 36 born in Illinois 1834. Children: Lodia age 10 (1860 IL), Bartha 9 (1861 IL), Olive 7 (1863 IL), Pauline 4 (1866 IL) ,Edwin 1 year (1869IL), and Henry 19 (1851 IL). Henry is listed as a farm laborer. Notice Lydia is spelled Lodia and Bertha is spelled Bartha. They must have had the same trouble in reading a person's handwriting.

        1880 Blue Mound Macon, IL Census for Henry Jokisch age 47 Born 1833, Germany. Farmer. Married to Louisa age 47 birthplace Germany 1833. Children: Olive age 18, Paulina 14, and Edward 11. Living with them was John Mc Gaffic age 24 (1856 IL) listed as servant (probably farm laborer).

        Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947 for Louisa Jokisch death date: March 14,1922 Decatur, Macon, IL age 89 est birth yr 1833 birth date September 13,1832 Germany. Father Eckhardt. Father's birthplace Germany. Mother: Rohn. Mother's birthplace Germany. Burial date March 16,1922 Macon Co., IL Boody Cemetery

Descendents of Henry G. and Louisa Jockisch

A . Jockisch, George E. ( 5 JUN 1857 -  - d: 30 Sep 1858 - @1y-3m-25d - s/o Henry & Louisa


B. Jokisch, Lydia E.  ( 5 SEP 1859 Boody, Macon Co., IL - 11 May 1923 Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA) m: (21 Feb 1878 Decatur, IL)  Sleeter, William Phillip(19 DEC 1857 Decatur, Macon Co., IL - 21 MAY 1898 Buena Vista Co., IA)

1860 Beardstown, Cass, IL Census for  Lydia Jockish age 1 year  estimated birth year 1859 IL. Family number 1832 p. 255.


        Lydia was the daughter of Henry and Louisa Jockisch. She married William Sleeter on Feb 21, 1878 in Decatur, IL. They were the parents of Orville H, Ralston W., Viola L, and Verne D.

        Storm Lake Register - Thu, May 17, 1923 - Mrs Lydia E Sleeter, a resident of Storm Lake and Buena Vista county for a number of years and well known and highly esteemed in this city, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs Viola S Foster, in Sioux City last Friday morning about 1:30 o’clock following a short illness. Her death was learned with sorrow by numerous friends here.

        Lydia E Jokisch was born at Boody, IL, Sept 5, 1858 and passed away at Sioux City Friday, May 11, 1923 at the age of 64 years, 8 months, and 6 days. She grew to young womanhood in Illinois and received her education in the school there.

        In the year 1878 she was united in marriage to William P Sleeter at Decatur, IL and they lived in Illinois until the year 1897 when they came to Storm Lake locating on a farm near here. They lived here until the time of Mr Sleeters death some years ago.

        In 1907 Mrs Sleeter went to Decatur, IL where she lived until the past 3 years, which have been spent with her daughter Mrs Viola Foster at Sioux City. Mrs Sleeter was a devoted wife and mother and a kind friend and neighbor. She was beloved by all who knew her and her death is deeply mourned by all.

        She leaves to mourn her death three sons: Orville H Sleeter of Fresno, CA; Dr R.W. Sleeter of Rockford, IA; and Verne D Sleeter of Superior, WI and one daughter, Mrs Viola S Foster of Sioux City; besides three sisters: Mrs J Zimmerman, Mrs Bertha Zimmerman, and Mrs C.W. Sleeter, and one brother, E.W. Jokisch, all of Decatur, IL and other relatives.

        Funeral services were held from the Samuels Undertaking parlors in Sioux City last Saturday afternoon and the remains were brought to Storm Lake to the Fred P Foster home Sunday morning, where on Sunday afternoon a short funeral service was held. Interment was in the Storm Lake cemetery beside the husband who preceded her.



        William married Lydia Jockisch on Feb 21, 1878 in Decatur, IL. They were the parents of Orville H, Ralston W., Viola L, and Verne D.

        STORM LAKE PILOT TRIBUNE - Fri, May 27, 1898 - Wm. P Sleeter died of appendicitis at his home one mile north of Storm Lake last Saturday May 21, 1898. Mr Sleeter had been taken ill with appendicitis about ten days previous to his death. He was seriously ill almost from the first and an operation was performed Wednesday the 18th as the only hope of saving his life but all the efforts of his family, friends, and physicians were in vain.

        Deceased was born Dec 19, 1857 near Decatur, IL; was married Feb 21, 1879 to Lydia E Jokisch, who survived him with their four children: Orville H, Ralston W, Viola L, and Vernie D.

        The funeral was held Monday afternoon, a short service being held at his late home, after which the Modern Woodmen led the procession to the church, which was so crowded that many were unable to gain admission. The remains were interred in the Storm Lake cemetery.


                        1. Sleeter, Orville H family:"Georgiam: (188o/1 Boody, IL -) m. March 23,1904 Cedar  Rapids, Linn, Iowa  DeGood, Estella (1883 Audobon, Iowa-) Parents: De Good, Franklin B & Heifner, Everetta C.

Estella Mae Degood obit

                                    a. Sleeter, Mildred ( 26 DEC 1904 Storm Lake, Buena Vista,IA - 20 SEP 1974 Fresno, CA)  m. Herring, D. J. (8 FEB 1906 Clarksville, Johnson, ARK - 25 FEB 2002 Huntsville, Walker, TX)                                                

                                            1. Herring, Illana ( 25 JUL 1930 Fresno, Fresno Co., CA -)

                                            2. Herring, Rita Jean ( 28 MAY 1933 Fresno, CA-)

                                    b. Sleeter, Elmer Sinclair (25 AUG 1908Cedar rapids, Linn, IA - 28 DEC 1978 Fresno, CA) m: Frances He was MDSE MGR

                                    c. Sleeter, Francis Riggs

                        2. Sleeter, Ralston W (1882-1938) m. (1910 Christian, IL) Ross, Mamie"Mary" Elizabeth (6 MAY 1883 mington, Van Buren, IA- 23 Jan 1971 Medford, Jackson, Oregon)



                                    a. Sleeter, Robert W. Sleeter, Robert William (25 OCT 1911 Iowa - 14 July 1955 Arco, Butte, Idaho) m: Pearl E


                                    b. Sleeter, Richard L. Lee (27 Mar 1916 Rockford, Floyd, Iowa - 22 Aug 1972 Jefferson, Oregon)


                        3. Sleeter, Viola(31 MAR 1885 Decatur, Macon Co., IL - 19 MAY 1965 Los Angeles, CA) m: (21 May 1912 Decatur, Macon, IL)  m: Foster, William Jameson (9 APR 1883 Storm Lake, Buena Vista Co., IA - 28 OCT 1921 Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA)

        Viola was the daughter of William Philips Sleeter and Lydia Jokisch. She married Will Foster in 1912 in Storm Lake, Iowa. They were the parents of James William.

        Storm Lake Pilot Tribune - May 27, 1965 - Mrs. Will (Viola) Foster, 80, former Storm Lake resident, suffered a heart attack and passed away in her apartment at 2936, The Mall, Apt 4, Los Angeles, Calif, on Wednesday, May 19.

        Funeral services were May 22 at Forest Lawn cemetery. She is survived by a son, Will, jr., of Los Angeles. He was married last fall to the former Willamette Morse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs A.E. Morse, 409 Ontario.

        Mrs Foster and her late husband, Will, sr, were graduates of the Storm Lake high school and were married in Storm Lake in 1912. They moved shortly after their marriage to California.



                                    a. Foster, James William (Billie) (14 Feb 1915 Sioux City, Woodbury, IA - 21 Jul 1967 Los Angeles, CA) m: (1939) Robinson, Mabel Betty (15 Sep 1913 - Jan 2005 North Yorkshire, England) James enlisted 2 JUN 1942 in San Francisco, CA and was a Private and was a Warrant officer. When enlisting he had 2 years of college and was a Newsboy. span>

                        4. Sleeter, Verne David ( 22 SEP 1889 IL - 24 NOV 1965 Riverside, CA) m. Shipp, Dona Lucille ( 8 JUL 1893 IL - 1 APR 1981 Moreno Valley, Riverside, CA)  m. Shipp, Dona

                                    a. Sleeter, William Benjamin (12 JUL 1917 Decatur, IL - 18 JAN 1995 Moreno Valley, Riverside, CA) m: Lalla P (26 JUL 1919 - 8 MAR 2002 Moreno Valley, CA)


C Jokisch, Bertha Pauline family (8 Jan 1860 Beardstown, Cass Co., IL -1940 Macon Co., Il ) m:  Zimmerman, David Philip( 8 OCT 1854 Perry, Pike, IL - 25 NOV 1891 Boody, Il)1860 Beardstown, Cass, IL Census for Betsey Jockish age none, estimated yr. none. Birthplace IL. Maybe she had just been born and they were thinking of calling her Betsey and later changed their mind. Family number 1832 P. 256.

https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=44526933 https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=ZI&GSpartial=1&GSbyrel=all&GSst=16&GScntry=4&GSsr=4361&GRid=44526948&

                        1. Zimmerman, Everett George(18 MAR 1882 Macon County, IL -2 yf 18=960 Boody, Macon, IL)  m: Kettlekamp, Luella(17 DEC 1886 Christian Co., IL - 12 MAY 1933 Blue Mound TWS, Macon, IL)



                                    a. Zimmerman, Lucile Bertha (21 JAN 1911 IL-18 FEB 2001 Blue Mound, Macon, IL) m: Widick, W. Owen (4 SEP 1910-13 DEC 2005)



                                    b.  Zimmerman, Virginia Luella (29 MAY 1915 Blue Mound, Macon, IL-17 JAN 2004 Blue Mound, Macon, IL) m: Pistorius, Wayne B (14 MAY 1915 IL-11 JUN 1989 Blue Mound, Macon, IL) Military 20 Mar 1941



                                    c.   Zimmerman, Mabel R. (16 JUN 1919-10 JAN 2010 Jonesboro Clayton County GA) m:( 12 Jan. 1946 Blue Mound,IA) Hoefer, William

Mabel Rose Zimmerman Hoefer

        Mabel was born June 16, 1919, in Blue Mound, Ill., the daughter of Everett and Luella Zimmerman. She was a 1936 graduate of Blue Mound High School. She married William Hoefer on Jan. 12, 1946, in Blue Mound and later moved to Sioux City, Iowa, where she lived until 1994. Mabel also lived in Ankeny, Iowa; Spirit Lake, Iowa; and most recently Iowa City.

        Throughout her many moves, she was always an active member of her local church and found a ministry in folding worship bulletins. She was an active supporter of Youth for Christ and served on the board of Siouxland Youth for Christ in Sioux City. Mabel truly had a green thumb and enjoyed gardening of all kinds. She was an avid fan of the Chicago Cubs and the Iowa Hawkeyes and enjoyed watching them whenever they played. Mabel treasured the role of grandma and spending time with her large family watching the children play. She also loved time alone with a good book, sometimes reading more than one per week. Above all else her relationship with Jesus brought her the greatest joy in life.

        She was preceded in death by her husband, William Hoefer; her parents; and her three sisters, Lucille, Virginia and Gertie.


                                    d.  Zimmerman, Gertrude(1925 IL

                        2. Zimmerman, Arthur David (15 AUG 1884 Boody, IL - 25 DEc 1963 Boody, Macon, IL) m: Panwitt, Ada Cornelia (9 DEC 1893 MO - 15 JAN 1973 Blue Mound, Macon, IL)

                                    a. Zimmerman, Lois ADA (10 SEP 1915 Boody, IL -- 3 AUG 2008 Moweaqua, Shelby County, IL) m: (06 JAN 1937 Boody, Macon, IL) Rice Wayne Curtis (4 January 1916 Blue Mound, Macon County, IL - 12 May 2012 Moweaqua, Shelby County, IL)

Wayne Curtis Rice

Wayne C. Rice, 96, of Moweaqua, IL formerly of Blue Mound, IL passed away on Saturday (May 12, 2012) at Decatur Memorial Hospital.

Mr. Rice was born on January 4, 1916 in Blue Mound, IL, the son of Joseph R. and Ethel M. (Damery) Rice. Wayne was a farmer and a self-employed electrician. He was a member of Zion Chapel United Methodist Church, Blue Mound Rotary Club, Soy City Camping Club and a former member of Decatur Audubon Society. He was involved with P.A.M. Agricultural Museum. Wayne married Lois A. Zimmerman on January 6, 1937. She preceded him in death on August 3, 2008.

https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=28828734&ref=acom https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=90242342

                                    b. Zimmerman, Margarie Louise (15 Dec 1917 Blue Mound M, Illinois - 16 Apr 2005 )


                                    c. Zimmerman, Ruby Emma (5 Jul 1920 boody, Macon Co., IL -17 MAR 2013 Decatur, Macon Co., IL) m: (17 AUG 1940) Travis , Kenneth Bartley ( 1 MAR 1917 Spirit Lake, IA -24 FEB 1996 Macon Co., IL)

        Ruby E. Travis, 92, of Harristown, IL, passed away on Sunday (Mar. 17, 2013) at Decatur Memorial Hospital. Visitation will be 6 to 8 pm Wednesday, March 20, 2013, at Brintlinger & Earl Funeral Home, Decatur. Funeral services will be 10:00 am Thursday, March 21, 2013, at Brintlinger & Earl Funeral Home, Decatur. Burial will be at Macon County Memorial Park in Harristown.

        Ruby was born on July 5, 1920, near Boody, IL, the daughter of Arthur D. and Ada C. Pannwitt Zimmerman. Ruby loved farming along side her husband & family. She was a member of Harristown Christian Church. Ruby met Kenneth B. Travis while they were attending Brown's Business College & they married August 17, 1940. He preceded her in death on February 24, 1996. She and her husband were advanced square dancers and would travel the country attending dances. Ruby loved to quilt and her quilts were as colorful as her flower garden.

        Surviving are her children: John Travis of Upland, CA; Dale Travis (Lola) of Harristown, IL; Ann Strickler (Rodger) of Mechanicsville, MD; and Terry Travis (Carol) of Lawrenceville, GA; 8 grandchildren: Anita White, Carol Peterson, Karen Puig, Steve Travis, Glen Strickler, Amy Doner, Diane Hermel, and Jennifer Travis; 9 great grandchildren; 4 nieces and nephews, and one special cousin, Mabel Hoefer of Coralville, IA.

        Her husband, parents, and sisters Lois Rice and Marjory Zimmerman preceded her in death.

        The family would like to extend a special thank you to Dr. Richard Fritz, the staff of McKinley Court nursing home, and the 4th floor staff at DMH for the care that Ruby received.

        In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to Harristown Christian Church, P.O. Box 195, Harristown, IL 62537.


Kenneth B. "Ken" Travis

DECATUR - Kenneth B. "Ken" Travis: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice Pantagraph, The (Bloomington, IL) - Monday, February 26, 1996

Deceased Name: DECATUR - Kenneth B. "Ken" Travis

        DECATUR - Kenneth B. "Ken" Travis, 78, of Decatur died at 11:52 p.m. Saturday (Feb. 24, 1996) at his residence. His funeral will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Brintlinger's Funeral Home, Decatur. Burial will be in Macon County Memorial Park, Harristown. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to Harristown Christian Church or the Decatur Memorial Hospital Hospice.

        He is survived by his wife, Ruby; four children and their spouses, John L. Travis and Delores, Pomona, Calif.; Dale J. Travis and Lola, Lockport; Ann Strickler and Rodger, Olney, Md.; and Terry T. Travis and Carol, Lawrenceville, Ga.; one brother, Clayton Travis, Palcentia, Calif; eight grandchildren; and one great-grandson.

        He was preceded in death by his parents and one sister.

        Mr. Travis was born March 1, 1917, in Spirit Lake, Iowa, a son of Clayton and Ida Epp Travis. He married Ruby E. Zimmerman Aug. 17, 1940.

Mr. Travis was a member of Harris Town Christian Church. He was formerly a special agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He also operated Ken Travis Electrical Service for 40 years. He and his wife were avid square dancers.

        He was a U.S. Army veteran, serving in World War II. He was also a member of American Legion Post 72 in Macon


D.   Jokisch, Olivia T. (5 FEB 1862 Beardstown, IL-11 OCT 1937 Decatur, Macon, IL age 75 bur:14 OCT 1937, Fairlawn Cemetery),  m: (20 Feb 1889 Boody, Macon, IL)  Zimmerman,   George Henry (6 DEC 1863 Hebron, IL -7 JAN 1940 Decatur, Macon      Co., IL 76 Cem: Fairlawn located in Decatur Twp, Macon, IL)


        1900 Blue Mounds Township, Macon, IL Census for Henry G. Zimmerman born December 1863 IL. His parents were born in IL. Married to Olivia T for 11 years estimated marriage year 1889. She was born February 1864 IL. Her parents were born in Germany. Children: Iva L born June 1890 IL and  Ruby E born July 1893 IL. Living with them Henry's Mother-in-law Louisa Jokisch born Sep 1832 Germany Widowed   "Jokisch, Olivia T &  Zimmerman, Henry G"   "Zimmerman, Henry G"

                        1. Zimmerman, Iva ( 7 JUN 1890 - 6 MAY 1963) m: (22 FEB 1916 Decatur, IL) Spicer, Frank G (21 MAY 1889 - 23 MAY 1971)

Iva L. Zimmerman Spicer


        Mrs. Frank Spicer, 72 of 1020 E.Prairie St. died at 4:45 am today in the Muirhead nursing home, on Condit street. In 1902 Mrs. Spicer moved to Decatur from Boody where she was born on June 7, 1890, a daughter of H.G.and Oliva Zimmerman. Mrs.Spicer attended Central Christian church.

        She married Frank G. Spicer on Feb 22,1916 in Decatur. Surviving are her husband, one daughter,Mrs.John A. Hartley (Dorothy) of Oakley,one son Dr.Jack O.Spicer of Decatur, one sister Mrs.Fred(Ruby) Shawhan of Peoria, five grandchildren.

        Funeral services will be at 1 pm Wednesday in the Dawson & Wikoff funeral home where friends may call after 6 pm Tuesday. Burial will be in Fairlawn cemetery.

Frank G. Spicer


        Frank G. Spicer, 83 of RR 8 died at 9:45 am Sunday in the Muirhead nursing home. Mr.Spicer was born in Cotton Hill township, Sangamon county. He was a son of Oliver and Martha Ellen Smith Spicer. He was a member of the Central christian church.         He was married to Iva L.Zimmerman in Decatur, Feb. 22, 1916. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Jack(Dorothy) Hartley of Oakley, a son, Dr.Jack Spicer of Decatur and sisters, Mrs. Grace Gerling of Louisville, Ky, Mrs. Sue Groves of Decatur and Mrs. Bertha McDowell of Simpsonville, Ky.

        Funeral services will be at 1 pm Wednesday in the Dawson & Wikoff funeral home, where friends may call after 6 pm. today. Burial will be in Fairlawn cemetery.


                                    a. Spicer, Dorothy Martha (9 FEB 1917 Decatur, Illinois -23 AUG 1995 Oakley, Macon, IL) m: Hartley, John A (2 FEB 1918 -30 SEP 1983) Dorothy was a PVT US Army


                            1. Hartley, Eric (25 SEP1955 Decatur, Macon, IL-8 MAY 2015 Olmito, TX,)


                            b. Spicer MD, Jack (26 January 1927 Decatur Maco, IL - 17 October 1988 Decatur, IL) m: Dobson, Norma Jean (2FEB 1929 - 5MAY2014 St. Marys, IL) He was in the Military 10 JUL 1945)

Dr Jack Spicer





Norma Jean Dobson Spicer

Herald Review 5/7/2014

        Norma Jean Spicer, 85 of Decatur passed away on Monday, May 5, 2014 in St. Marys hosptial. Memorial Gathering will be 5-7 Friday, May 9, 2014 in Graceland/Fairlawn funeral home. Private family burial will be in Graceland cemetery. Memorials are suggested to the Scovill Zoo.

        Norma was born on February 2, 1929 in Decatur the daughter of Morley Gladstone and Grace e.(Shake) Dobson.

She married Dr. Jack O. Spicer. He preceded her in death on October 17, 1988. Surviving are her sons, David Spicer(Lynn) of Oreana, and Jack Spicer Jr(Barbara) of Kansas City, Mo, daughters, Nancy Spicer Smith of Australia, grandchildren, Trisha Langford(Andrew) of Argenta and Sarah Smith of Australia and three great grandchildren, Emma, Haylee and Andrew Jr.

        She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, one brother and two sisters. The family would like to thank St. Marys hospital staff for all their care of Norma.


                                            1. Spicer, Nancy m: Smith

                        2. Zimmerman, Ruby(17 JUL 1893 Macon, IL -3 JUN 1967 Peoria, IL) m: Shawhand, Frederick Bales (2NOV 1889 Winfield, Kansas-6 JUN 1954 Peoria, Peoria, IL)

Ruby E Zimmerman Shawhan

A daughter of Henry & Olivia Jockish Zimmerman, she married Fred Shawhan on May 14, 1919 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL.

Fred B Shawhan


Wagoner - 307 IM BTRY - World War I



                                    a. Shawhand, James Patrick (1925 Decatur, IL -1984 Honolula, Hawaii) m: (16 APR 1949 Burington, NJ) Zorger, Bernice Eleanor (Abt 1926He was in the US Air Force World War II


                                    b. Shawhand, George Robert (17 JUL 1927IL-4 JAN 2003 Peoria, IL) He was in the Navy (21 MAY 1945 - 3 JUL 1948)

George Robert Shawhan

George Robert Shawhan served our country and is buried at St. Mary's Cemetary in Peoria, Illinois. He is buried close to my cousin Thomas Kennedy who is also a Veteran.

                                    c. Shawhand, Twins ( 21 AUG 1929-22 AUG 1929.

E. Jokisch, Franklin Oscar. (5 May 1864 Cass Co., IL - 8 AUG 1947 Jacksonville, Morgan Co., IL) m: March 6 MAR 1890 Cass, IL) Hessler, Emma(17 Jul 1870-22 MAY 1953 )  Parents Hessler,     Henry and Katherine Serth https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=132347112&ref=acom

Dad is Heinrich Gottlieb Jockisch

          Jokisch, Emma - Virginia Gazette May 23, 1953 - Submitted by Ernie Lauenr

Mrs. Emma Jokisch, 82, native of Beardstown, died yesterday morning at Our Saviour's Hospital, Jacksonville, where she had been a patient three months.

        Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Methodist Church in Virginia with the Rev. Floyd Brewer in charge. Interment will be in the Walnut Ridge Cemetery. The body was taken to the Massie Funeral Home in Virginia where friends may call this evening.

Mrs. Jokisch was the wife of the late Frank Jokisch. She was born in this city July 17, 1870, daughter of Hessler, Henry and Katherine Serth "Hessler, Henry and Katherine Serth".
        She is survived by two sons, Orvil of Literberry and Clarence of Virginia; a daughter, Mrs. Albert Brodkhouse of Virginia; two sisters Mrs. Otto Boensel and Mrs. Albert Korte, both of Bluff Springs and six grandchildren.

                        1. Jockisch, Orville Ernest (10 OCT 1891 Cass, IL-JUL 1965 Morgan County, IL) m: Lacey, Hazel M. (17 April 1900 IL-17 Apr 1990 Morgan County, IL) He had red hair. Her parents: Thomas Lacey (1872 - 1935) Louisa Mayes Lacey (1877 - 1952)



                                    a. Jokisch, Jack ( abt 1928 according to 1940 US Federal Census

                        2. Jockisch, Bertha Katheryn (05 DEC 1893 IL - 20 JUL 1985) m: (14 June 1916 ) Brockhouse, Albert Frederick (28 July 1884 Scott County, IL - 29 June 1963)

                                    a. Brockhouse, Infant (11 Sept 1917- 11 Sept 1917)

                                    b. Brockhouse, Emilee Albertine (9 Jan 1921 Virginia Cas, IL- Jul 1995) m: Knight,

                                    c. Brockhouse, Dorothy Ilene (19 Feb 1923 Virginia, IL - 18 Jul 1995 Virginia, Cass Co., IL)

Daughter of Albert & Bertha (Jokisch) Brockhouse

        Ilene resided on the family farm until becoming a resident at Walker Nursing Home where she served as resident board president.

        Memorial donations: Walker Nursing Home Resident Activity Fund or to the Virginia First Presbyterian Church


                                    d. Brockhouse, Robert Eugene "Brocky" (11 Sept 1925 Cass Co., IL - 15 Sept 2012 Virginia, Cass Co., IL) m: (29 May 1958) 29 May 1958Largent, Rojean (29 Oct 1931 IL- 18 Jan 2006 Virginia, Cass, IL)

1. Brockhouse Mary m: Wienhoff

2. Brockhouse, Ronald

                        3. Jockisch, Clarence H. (28 March 1896 IL - 3 July 1989 Jacksonville, Morgan Co., IL) m: (1926) Tuecke, Edith Dora (11 May 1898 IL - May 13, 1985 Virginia, Cass, IL) He was in the Army ( 5 SEP 1918 - 12 MAY 1919)



                                    a. Jockisch, Jack (15 SEP 1927 Jacksonville, IL-)

                                    b. Jockisch, Reginald (1933

                                    c. Jockisch, Carolyn (1934

                                    d. Jockisch, Franklin (26 Mar 1937

F. Jokisch, Pauline Minda (5 OCT 1865- 5 DEC 1947), m: (4 MAR 1886) Sleeter, Charles Wesley (13 MAR 1865 Boody, Macon Co., IL- 29 JUN 1944 Decatur, Macon Co., IL)



        Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947 for Pauline Sleeter December 5,1947 in Decatur, Macon, and IL age 82. She was born October 5,1865 in Beardstown, IL her father was Henry Jockisch born in Germany and mother Louise Eckhart born in Germany. Spouse Charles W. Sleeter. Burial date December 8,1947 Decatur, Macon, IL cemetery Fairlawn.

                        1. Sleeter, Edlyn Louisa Amelia (31 AUG 1888 Goody, IL - 3 SEP 1980 Bloomfiled, Davis, IA) m: Turney, George Joseph (10 JAN 1881 Washington , D.C. -1940)


                                    a. Turney, Donald Meyer (4 Jun 1915 Meyer Dentur, IL - Jan 1991 Decatur, IL )

Donald Meyer Turney

-Donald M. “Abe” Turney, 75, Decatur, died Tuesday (Jan. 29, 1991). Survivor: sister, Lois White, Bloomfield, Iowa. Services: Noon Friday, Brintlinger’s Funeral Home. Visitation: one hour before services. Burial: Zion Cemetery, Boody.

Herald & Review Jan 31, 1991


                                    b. Turney, Lois Iola (1 MAR 1917 Decatur, IL - 11 AUG 2011 Bloomfield, Iowa) m: (8 OCT 1939 Decatur, IL) White, Alva C. ( 23 AUG 1912 - 8 FEB 2003 Bloomfield, Iowa)

Lois Iola Turney White

        Lois Iola White, 94, of Bloomfield, Iowa died August 11, 2011 at Davis County Hospital Long Term Care in Bloomfield.

        She was born March 1, 1917 in Decatur, Illinois to George and Edlyn Sleeter Turney. She married Alva C. White October 8, 1939 in Decatur. He preceded her in death February 8, 2003. Lois taught in a rural school in Illinois, worked at the Davis County Extension Office, and later for Union Carbide in Centerville for 15 years before retiring in 1976. She was a member of the West Grove United Methodist Church and the 500 Card Club.

        She is survived by three sons, Mayon(Sue)White of Bondurant, Iowa, Dale(Jackie)White of Bloomfield, Iowa, George(Martha)White of Davenport, Iowa; a daughter, Gail(Stephen)Tarbell of Melrose, Iowa; 12 grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren.

        She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; and a brother, Donald Turney.

        Funeral services will be at 2 pm Sunday, August 14, 2011 at the West Grove United Methodist Church with Pastor Shari Squires officiating. Burial will be in the West Grove Cemetery. Visitation will begin after 1 pm on Saturday with the family prresent to greet friends from 6-8 pm at the Wagler Funeral Home in Bloomfield. A memorial has been established to the West Grove United Methodist Church.



                        1. White, James William (2 Sep 1942 Monticello, Piatt, IL- 2 Sep 1942 Monticello, Piatt, IL)

                        2. Sleeter, Leona Elvira ( 17 NOV 1890 Boody, IL -22 SEP 1897)


                        3.Sleeter, Lillie Alma (30 May 1892 IL -21 OCT 1983 IL) m: Uhler, Clarke Murdock (19 JAN 1891 Bunker Hill , IL - 10 JAN 1932 Decatur, IL)



                                    a. Uhler, John Eldred (26 Jun 1916 Decatur, IL - 26 JUN 1916 Decatur, IL)

                                    b . Uhler, Ralph Howard ( 28 APR 1917 Decatur, IL - 14 JUN 2000 Decatur, IL) m: (6 Apr 1940 Decatur, IL) Roby, Lenore Ann (30 Dec 1921 Decatur, IL - 14 May 2002 Decatur, IL)

Ralph Howard Uhler

Ralph was the son of Clarke Murdock Uhler (19 Jan 1891 - 10 Jan 1932) and Lillie Alma (Sleeter) Uhler (1892 - 21 Oct 1983).

Ralph married Lenore Ann (Roby) Uhler (30 Jan 1921 - 14 May 2002) on 6 Apr 1940 in Decatur.


                                    c. Uhler, Eldred Carl (14 APR 1920 Decatur, IL - 25 NOV 2003 Decatur, IL) m: (23 FEB 1941 Decatur, IL) Slover, Margorie Mary ( 30 AUG 1920-4 NOV 2012) He enlisted in the Military 5 MAY 1943

Marjorie Mary Slover Uhler

        Marjorie Mary Uhler, 92, of Decatur, passed away Sunday, November 4, 2012 in–Heartland Health Care Center.

        Marjorie was born August 30, 1920 in Decatur, IL, the daughter of Jack and Flossie (Byrne) Slover. She was an avid golfer and an active member of Decatur Women's Golf Association. She was also a member of VFW Auxiliary, Saturday Dance Club and a former member of the Elks. She was an avid St. Louis Cardinal fan. She married Eldred Carl Uhler on February 23, 1941 in Decatur. He preceded her in death on November 25, 2003.

        Marjorie leaves behind her son, Martin (Barbara) Uhler of Blue Mound, IL; daughter, Carol Sager of St. Louis, MO; grandchildren, Kelly S. Uhler of Delaware, OH; Jennifer A. (Todd) Love of Decatur; and great-grandchildren, Mikala A. Love and Daniel T. Love of Decatur.

        She is preceded in death by her husband and parents.

        A celebration of life for Marjorie will be 10 am Saturday, November 10, 2012 at Graceland/Fairlawn Funeral Home. Burial will be in Graceland Cemetery and conclude with the "Flight Home" ceremony.

Herald and Review Nov 7, 2012



                                    d. Uhler, Margery Luella (22 JUL 1922 Decatur, Macon, Illinois - 22 JUL 1922 Decatur, Macon, IL)

                                    e. Uhler, Norman Sleeter (31 DEC 1928 Decatur, Macon, IL -

                        4. Sleeter, Luella Pearl (9 JAN 1894 Boody, IL - 22 Sep 1990 Terre Haute, IN) m: (1 Aug 1913 in Decatur, IL) Overfelt, Thomas Ray (26 JUN 1890 Holliday, Missouri - 13 May 1948 Terre Haute, IN)

                                    a. Overfelt, Lillie Frances ( 1914-1914)

                                    b. Overfelt, Delmar Robert Charles (17 Jan 1917 Terre Haute, IN - 17 APR 1998 Terre Haute, IN ) He enlisted in the Military 27 MAR 1945. m: (24 Oct 1939 IN) Moss, Mildred Marie (22 Dec 1915 West Terre Haute, Vigo, IN - 23 Apr 1996 Terre Haute, Vigo, IN)

                                    c. Overfelt, Violet Pearl (15 Dec 1921 Terre Haute, IN - 14 AUG 1992 La Mirada, Los Angeles, CA) m: (9 Mar 1948 Terre Haute, IN) Olson, William Jack (11 Jun 1920 Seattle, WA -)

                                    d. Overfelt, Betty Lou (24 MAY 1925 IN - SEP 1932)

                        5. Sleeter, Rudy Charles ( 9 MAY 1896 Boody, Macon Co., IL - 29 MAR 1957 Decatur, Macon Co., IL) m: (16 JUN 1923 (1) Regan, Helen Mae (1901 IL- 20 Jan 1998 Albuquerque, Bernalillo, NM) (2nd)White, Martha L (29 FEB 1912 Decatur, Macon Co., IL -1 FEB 1962 Decatur, Macon Co., IL) He had brown eyes and was medium height.



Mother is Regan, Helen Mae

                                    a. Sleeter, Doris Adeline (1925 Decatur, Macon, IL -28 FEB 2010 Albuquerque, Bernalillo, NM,) m: 26 Nov 1944 Steider, Robert Eugene (22 Mar 1924 Woodford Co.,, IL- 21 Feb 2005 Sun City West, Maricopa Co., AZ) 1944 at Purdue University listed as a distinguished student

                                            1. Steider, Kristen Kay (23 Jun 1947 Kirksville, Adair, MO-)

                                            2. Steider, Robert Steven (30 Mar 1951 Albuquerque, Bernalillo, NM -) m: Connery Dianna

                                            3. Steider, Timothy Dale (16 Jun 1953

                                    b. Sleeter, Stanley R ( 19 JUL 1926 Decatur, Macon Co.,, IL -31 JUL 2006 Albuquerque NM) m: Elizabeth (7 JUN 1932-)

        Stanley R. Sleeter, age 80, passed away peacefully at his home on Monday evening, July 31, 2006, following a courageous battle with cancer. Stanley was born on July 19, 1926 in Decatur, IL, to the late Helen and Rudy Sleeter. Stanley graduated from Eureka High School in 1944 and served in the United States Navy during World War II.

        Stan married the love of his life, Betty on June 11, 1955. They moved to Albuquerque in 1959. Stan was the first head of the math department at Del Norte High School and held that position until he retired in 1986.

        Among his many accomplishments was a leadership role in installing the first Apple Computers for use in APS. Second only to his 51 year marriage to Betty, Stanley was most proud of rearing a strong and unified large family, all of whom adored him and through which his honorable legacy will survive and grow. Stan was fond of gardening, bowling, being his children's biggest fan, and fixing just about anything. Stan was survived by his wife, Betty, sister, Doris, children, Michael, David, Lisa and Richard and nine grandchildren, Marisa, Ryan, Justin, Amy, Joshua, Kyle, Gavin, Trey, and Joseph. A Memorial Mass will be held on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. at Prince of Peace Catholic Community, 12500 Carmel Ave. NE. Interment will follow at Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Friends and family are invited to a reception to follow after the burial at Prince of Peace Catholic Community


                                            1. Sleeter, Michael

                                            2. Sleeter, David

                                            3. Sleeter, Lisa

                                            4. Sleeter, Richard

                        5. Sleeter, Curtis Wesley (5 SEp 1898 Boody, IL -29 AUG 1970 Urbana, Champaign, IL) m: (22 Jun 1925 ) West, Charlotte (11 Aug 1901 IL - 18 Aug 1994 Urbana, Champaign, IL)



                        6. Sleeter, Bertha Pauline ( 14 MAR 1900 Indepencence, Clay, MO- 3 JUL 1983 Decatur, IL) m: (31 JUL 1919) Boden, Paul George (8 NOV 1898 Olney, Richland, IL - 10 JUL 1990 Macon Co., IL)



                                    a. Boden, Dale (13 Dec 1922 IL-) m: (27 OCT 1945 NY, NY) Barnes, Barbora Fairclaugh ( ) Dale was in the Army enlistish as a Private on 6 JAN 1943 while in Peoria, IL. He had 2 years of college.

                                    b. Boden, Joyce Elaine "Joy" ( 24 JAN 1929 Decatur, Macon Co., IL - 29 JAN 2012 Holland, Ottawa Co., Michigan) m: Batchelder, John Clark ( 28 MAY 1917 Harristown, Macon Co., IL - 3 MAY 2006 Macon Co., IL) He was in the Navy 15 MAR 1941

Joyce Elaine "Joy" Boden Batchelder


        Joyce Elaine Boden Batchelder died on January 29, 2012, at the age of 83. She passed in her sleep and, given her vitality and many ongoing activities and commitments, her passing was a surprise.

        She was born to Paul and Bertha Sleeter Boden in Decatur, Illinois. She obtained a scholarship to Millikin University in Decatur at 17, where she majored in English and studied voice. After her graduation she joined Bell Telephone as an operator. She also sang mezzo soprano as a soloist and in church choirs; it was in choir that her two year courtship with a tenor began, one John Clark Batchelder. They married in 1951 and moved to New York in 1954. Once her children started grade school, Joy obtained a Masters degree in Library Science from Columbia University in 1964 and started a twenty year career as a grade school librarian. They moved to the Holland area in 1996, where Joy has been active in HASP and book-discussion groups. Joy loved to play the piano and was an accomplished weaver and tapestry maker. She maintained an enduring fascination with ideas, and a devotion to Christian Science, her family, and her friends.

        Joy is survived by her brother, Dale Boden; her two children; J. Samuel Batchelder, and Vallorie Peridier; and her grandchildren, Rachel, James and Luke Batchelder.

        She will be buried in the family plot in Warrensburg, Illinois. A memorial service will be held at 2:00 pm on Saturday February 4, 2012 in the Auditorium of Freedom Village, 145 Columbia Ave. in Holland with visitation beginning at 1:30 pm.

Arrangements by the Downtown Chapel, Dykstra Funeral Homes.


John Clark Batchelder

John C. Batchelder, 89, Holland, Mich., formerly of Harristown, died May 3, 2006. World War II Navy veteran. Survivors: wife, Joy; son, Samuel Batchelder; daughters, Vallorie Perdier and Elaine Emerson; brother, Bernard Batchelder; four grandchildren.


                                            1. Batchelder, J. Samuel;

                                            2. Batchelder, Vallorie m: Peridier


                        7. Sleeter, Dorothy (4 SEP 1905 Decatur, IL - 16 FEB 1996 New Market, Jefferson, TN) m: Richardson, Blueford M (6 AUG 1905 - 4 JUN 1994)

Buford M Richardson

Buford was born in Lovington, the son of John W. and Pearl A. Murray Richardson. He married Dorothy M. Sleeter on May 17, 1926.



                                    a. Richardson, Lloyd (abt 1928 IL

                                    b. Richardson, Curtis Hugh (21 Apr 1929 Macon, Bureau, Illinois, - 10 Sep 2012 Fort Myers, Lee, Florida) m: Briggs, Peg ( ) He was a Plant Worker Picture taken in 1946 for year book.

                                            1. Richardson, Nancy (Dwyer,

                                            2. Richardson, Roy

                                            3. Richardson, Dianne

                                    c. Richardson, Shirley June ( 30 APR 1932 IL -18 JAN 1988 IL) m: Collins, William Dean (26 FEB 1932 Decatur, IL - 17 OCT 1983 Decatur, IL) He was in the Army (13 AUG 1952 - 12 AUG 1954)


                                    d. Richardson, Betty June ( 8 JUN 1936 St Elmo, IL - 29 OCT 1936 St Elmon, Fayette, IL)

G. Jokisch, Edwin W.  ( 10 JUL 1868 Bood, IL - 11 MAR 1937 Dectur, Macon, IL),  m: Williams, Celia M. (19 OCT 1877 Boody, Macon, IL- 1961 Dectur, Macon, IL) Father born in Ohio, Mother in IL. Edwin was a grain dealer.

Edwin W Jockisch

Name: Edwin W. Jokisch

Birth Date: 10 Jul 1868 Birth Place: Boody, IL

Death Date: 18 Mar 1937 Death Place: Decatur, Macon, IL

Burial Date: 20 Mar 1937Burial Place: Decatur Twp., Macon, IL

Cemetery Name: Fairlawn

Death Age: 68

Occupation: Grain Dealer

Race: White

Marital Status: M

Gender: Male

Street Address: 1324 W Macon

Residence: Macon Co., Illinois

Father Name: Henry G. Jokisch

Father Birth Place: Unk

Mother Name: Louisa Eckhart

Mother Birth Place: Unk

Spouse Name: Celia M. Williams Jokisch

Comments: in Decatur 19y


1930 Decatur, Macon, IL Census Edwin W. was married age 61 head of household, parents born in Germany. Wife- Celia M. age 52, Child: Edwin age 24. Living with them was Williams, Helen E age 29 is Celia's sister.


                        1. Jokisch Jr. Edwin W. (09 Sep 1905 Boody, Macon, IL- 20 Jul 1981 Decatur, Macon Co., IL) m: (1 Feb 1936 Macon County, Illinois) Lyman, Evelyn Dorothy (16 Nov 1908 Macon County, IL- 18 Mar 1999) Edwin (picture above) in 1922 was Advertising manger for the Decanois year book.


                                    a. Jokisch, Goldie m: Davenport